Tuesday, January 27, 2009

A Cracker on a Train

My boy loves trains...

...and crackers...

...and crackers on trains.

They are the stars of his show, the highlight of his day.

And he is mine.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Just Another Temper Tantrum

It took Alex less than 15 seconds to push his car into the kitchen, climb up onto it, scale up onto the counter and get into the spices. I like to catch him red handed rather then before he acts, so I waited to see what he would do... and this was how I found him.
Unfortunately for him, when you get caught doing things like this, you also get caught like this...

...in all his snotty, blubbery glory.

Poor guy.

Nothing that a little book can't fix...

...especially when followed immediately by a nap.

This looks like sitting...

...but it is really falling.

Thankfully after nap, everyone is a different person and we can see the day through bright and fresh eyes. Oh, we love you, new and happy Alex!

Friday, January 16, 2009

I Have 2 Questions...

1. Who let me color my hair that color?! Seriously, what was I thinking and what were they thinking not telling me it looked that awful?!

2. Who did we think we were posing for this picture? I mean COME ON!? I can see my granny panties and the panty line!! Unreal.

Thank God I am not 20 anymore.... I have come a long way. I also can't wait until I am on the verge of 36 looking back at myself now saying, "what the hell was I thinking?!".

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Snow Tubing

It was yet another snowy day around here, another 6 inches or so of snow. Alex got lucky because Hugo got off of work early tonight - meaning Ellie could stay inside all snuggly and warm with her Papa and Alex could go out and get pulled around our complex on the snow tube.

He was so excited to be heading outside right at bed time and he had no idea that I was going to pull the snow tube out of the car.

When I took the snow tube out and started pulling him around he was laughing so hard!! He loved it. I took him on a little hill and let him go down, took him down little steps so they acted like jumps, I thought he was going to cry he was laughing so hard.

Neither of us wanted to go inside but Ellie was hungry and it was well passed Alex's bed time. Being a milkbar means I am on call 24-7, the things we do for our babies!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Antenna Toes

Alex was born with some silly toes.

His 2nd toe is on top of his other toes. When he was an infant it would stick up in the air like an antenna, thus Antenna Toes. At first I thought they were weird. Then I just thought they were funny. After a while I just fell in love with them. They make him unique.

And at certain angles, he can even pretend he only has 4 toes!

When Ellie was born I was facing into Hugo's lap, he was sitting on the bed and my midwife was behind me (I was squatting - sort of). When Ellie actually came out, my midwife put her between my legs, I guess I was supposed to pick her up like all those moms do in the homebirth pics and videos... but I couldn't. I was still in pain and I didn't have the energy in my legs to not support my upper body with my arms (at this point, my hands were on the floor on either side of Ellie). I just stared at her, and specifically her toes. I was so hoping that she would have the same silly toes that Alex had. It would be something they would bond over, giggle over and hate together, I thought it would be awesome. At first glance I thought that she did have them, but later on it became clear she got Hugo's toes - where the 2nd toe is longer than the big toe. Now, I guess, this will just be ammunition that they will use against each other.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Hugo's Birthday

Alex got to decorate his first birthday cake today for Hugo's 24th birthday. Yes, friends, I am a cradle robber. Not only did he help with the icing, he stabbed the middle of the cake with the spatula and stuck his fingers into random places in the cake. He absolutely loved putting on the sprinkles, although, he got a little excited and dumped them all in the center towards the end.

He did his duty as the chef and sampled things along the way. Surely to ensure the safety of those planning on comsuming his masterpiece.

Between tastes he did, in fact, decorate the cake a little bit.

And of course, sampled it a few more times.

One last taste before Papa got home from work. We don't mind his feet!!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Stools for the kiddos

My kid had a birthday party to go to for twin boys. I whipped these stools up in no time at all!! Really, they weren't all that difficult. Paint - two or three coats, rub on decals, stencil, outline, sealant.

Kids will use them as little tables for themselves to sit at then maybe their stuffed toys then as tunnels for cars and trains and boats or hiding places for little figures then as they get bigger and need to reach things they can use them as stools. No matter how, they are very useful for the little guys.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Put the Fire Out

My mom has some how accumulated all of these toys, from friends, I guess, for the kids to play with. One of the most endearing toys is this small fire truck with a button on top. When you push the button the truck drives forward and the lights flash and it plays music. First, before it starts the music it screams out, "PUT THE FIRE OUT", and then proceeds on with this porn-esque tune... and ends with a doon doon. Lovely. Alex loves it, really really loves it. I hate it - because Alex loves it.

*** ♥ ***

Of course, being 2 is very hard work. It consists of a lot of fighting, asserting, whining and crying. My two year old is an expert at testing his boundries. For me, that means that I have a choice. Move out or take pictures of the meltdowns. Some days I come very close to moving out. I just love this little barrel of fun too much to leave him yet.