Sunday, January 4, 2009

Put the Fire Out

My mom has some how accumulated all of these toys, from friends, I guess, for the kids to play with. One of the most endearing toys is this small fire truck with a button on top. When you push the button the truck drives forward and the lights flash and it plays music. First, before it starts the music it screams out, "PUT THE FIRE OUT", and then proceeds on with this porn-esque tune... and ends with a doon doon. Lovely. Alex loves it, really really loves it. I hate it - because Alex loves it.

*** ♥ ***

Of course, being 2 is very hard work. It consists of a lot of fighting, asserting, whining and crying. My two year old is an expert at testing his boundries. For me, that means that I have a choice. Move out or take pictures of the meltdowns. Some days I come very close to moving out. I just love this little barrel of fun too much to leave him yet.

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